
A Key Element In Poker Is Deception.

Bluffing is the quintessential trick in poker. Of course, the reasoning for a bluff is to deceive the other players into thinking you have a better hand when you actually do not. For a bluff to work, you need the other players to think you actually have that
better hand. Many beginning poker players love this idea of bluffing and often misuse it. The value of the bluff increases under certain general circumstances that often have a lot to do with information you assume about the other players. This vagueness makes it difficult to give definitive reasons or places to bluff.
When the flop isnĘąt so great.
Some players will fold automatically if all they have is an over
card. With a rainbow flop of 2, 6, 9, not many players will have
much. This is another example of a bluff that can go horribly awry.